Et kunsterprosjekt – samtale med Iris Johansson

Vi har fått informasjon om et spennende kunsterprosjekt, der Imogen Stidworthy, i samarbeid med Bergen Assembley, skal ha en samtale med Iris Johansson. Iris Johansson har autisme og har blant annet skrevet boken En annorlunda barndom.

Samtalen finner sted 5. november 2019, kl 1830-2030 og vil foregå på svensk og engelsk.

A Conversation with Iris Johansson and Imogen Stidworthy
Chaired by Iris Dressler, Convener of Bergen Assembly 2019, ‘Actually the Dead are not Dead’.
Admission free, in Swedish and English
At Belgin, Rasmus Meyers allé 3, 5015 Bergen
TIME proposed for 18.30 – 20.30

Iris Johansson aged three, from the cover of. her autobiographical book ‘A Different Childhood’, 
originally published in Swedish in 2007; English edition: Inkwell Productions 2014.
Swedish therapist and writer Iris Johansson was non-verbal until she learned to speak in a communicative sense at the age of 12 and to write at the age of 30, but as she says, ‘ I will always be autistic’. She is the focus of Imogen Stidworthy’s video installation Iris [A Fragment] – the latest installment of Stidworthy’s long-term research into voicing in the borders of language and currently on view at Bergen Kunsthall within Bergen Assembly 2019.
In this conversation, Iris Johansson will talk to Imogen Stidworthy about her biography and how it invites us to think about self-hood and social relationship in different ways. 
As a child she experienced her body and self/me according to two different paradigms which she called the ‘Real’ and the ‘Ordinary’. Over many years she learned to live in the Ordinary reality and to connect with the social world. We will be talking about how these experiences have shaped Iris’ approach to therapy and wider societal perspectives. We will be discussing different ways of conceiving language, voicing, being and care; and how engaging with different modes of being changes our own.

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