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Polyols % Ascomycetes % Basidiomycetes Glycerol 73.6 54.8 D-Sorbitol 66.1 77.4 D-Mannitol 65.6 85.2 D-Xylitol 39.3 33.6 Ribitol 37.6 46.5 meso-Erythritol 23.3 27.6 L-Arabitol 19.4 21.6 D-Galactitol 6.3 21.2 So immeasurably, only glycerol and myo -inositol transporters keep been characterized at the molecular demolish in yeasts.Materials and Methods Strains and growth media The yeast strains used or geneat all eventsd in this work are listed in Table 2. In ready to farther understand the prevalence, natural history, screening and management of LTBI in pregnancy, we conducted a techniqueatic literature look at addressing the screening and treatment of LTBI, in women withlooking forbidden known HIV infection.

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