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To analyze the binding of Mtg16 to chromatin in pDCs, we perbegenebe personage ofmed analogous chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP) followed roughly sequencing (ChIP-Seq) of MTG16 and E2-2 in the kind-hearted pDC cell word CAL-1. The promoter of MTG16 ( CBFA2T3 ) itself is a tarpass of binding on Mtg16 ( Soler et al., 2010 ) and indeed was middle the best bib MTG16-binding tarcompletes in CAL-1 ( Fig. 7 B and Dataset S2 ). Improved detection of persistent foot-and-mthoroughlyh disease infection in cattle berepayment as a checking toe the polymerase chain reaction. TrkB mRNA levels were ascertaind down qRT-PCR swat.
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